Chakras Overview

LEARN | wellness 

What Are Chakras?

Chakras, which translate to “wheels” or “cycles” in Sanskrit, is believed to be spinning energy points that exist in the physical body. There are seven main chakras that run along your spine, starting from the base and extending to the crown of your head. Originating in India, this complex and ancient energy system was first mentioned in the Vedas, sacred texts of spiritual knowledge dating from 1500 to 1000 BC. Each chakra has a corresponding number, name, color, health focus, and specific spine area. In an effort to maintain homeostasis in the body, each chakra has different physical and mental functions.

In approaching our wellness products, we always keep this energy system in mind. Utilizing plants that best support each energy center.

  1. Root Chakra: To be here

Translating to Muladhara in sanskrit. The root chakra is located near the base of your spine. It allows you to feel grounded and secure and is focused on survival and the right to be here. To help bring this energy center into balance look for natural wellness methods that help you feel grounded and create comfort and security in your body.

  • Location: Base of spine

  • Color: Red

  • Physical Attributes: Reproductive system, tailbone, legs

  • Emotional Attributes: Security, grounding, sexuality, survival

  • Balanced Characteristics: Good health, vitality, feeling well-grounded, being comfortable in the body, having a sense of trust in the world, feeling of safe and secure, relaxation and stillness, stability, prosperity

  • Healing Practices: Touch, massage, physical activity

  • Element: Earth

  • Affirmation: “I love my body and trust its wisdom.”

2. Sacral Chakra: To feel and have pleasure

Translating to Svadhisthana in sanskrit. The sacral chakra is located in your lower abdomen. It allows you to get in touch with your passion and emotions. To help bring this energy center into balance look for natural wellness methods that help you feel connected to yourself and your natural rhythms. Exercising your creativity and therapeutic art practices can be a great way to balance this energy center as well.

  • Location: Lower abdomen, womb

  • Color: Orange

  • Physical Attributes: Uterus, blood sugar, urinary tract, adrenals

  • Emotional Attributes: Intimacy, emotions, boundaries, trust

  • Balanced Characteristics: Graceful movements, emotional intelligence, ability to experience pleasure, nurturance of self and others, ability to change, creativity, joy, healthy boundaries

  • Healing Practices: Movement, healthy pleasures

  • Element: Water

  • Affirmation: “I embrace and celebrate my creativity and joy.”

3. Solar Plexus Chakra: To act and be an individual

Translating to Manipura in sanskrit. The solar plexus chakra is located near your upper abdomen. It allows you to get in touch with your personal power. To help bring this energy center into balance look for natural wellness methods that help you feel energized and playful.

  • Location: Upper abdomen

  • Color: Yellow

  • Physical Attributes: Stomach, liver, digestion, blood sugar

  • Emotional Attributes: Energy, higher self vs. lower self, perfection

  • Balanced Characteristics: Responsible, reliable, balanced, high self-esteem, balanced ego-strength, warm personality, confidence, spontaneity, playfulness, sense of humor, appropriate self-discipline, sense of personal power, ability to meet challenges

  • Healing Practices: Vigorous exercise, grounding, emotional contact

  • Element: Fire

  • Affirmation: “I honor the power within me.”

4. Heart Chakra: To love and be loved

Translating to Anahata in sanskrit. The heart chakra is located at the center of your chest. It encourages one to love. To help bring this energy center into balance look for natural wellness methods that helps bring harmony into your life. Look for opportunities to cultivate self-love and compassion in your life wherever you can.

  • Location: Heart

  • Color: Green

  • Physical Attributes: Lungs, blood pressure, immune system, thymus

  • Emotional Attributes: Love, hope, compassion, flexibility, balance

  • Balanced Characteristics: Compassionate, loving toward self and others, empathetic, altruistic, peaceful, balanced, good immune system

  • Healing Practices: Breathwork, journaling, emotional release

  • Element: Air

  • Affirmation: “I am loving to myself and others.”

5. Throat Chakra: To speak and be heard

Translating to Vishuddha in sanskrit. This chakra is located at your throat and allows you to speak clearly.To help bring this energy center into balance look for natural wellness methods that help support clear communication, and mindful listening.

  • Location: Throat

  • Color: Blue

  • Physical Attributes: Thyroid, neck, ears, respiratory system, sinus

  • Emotional Attributes: Communication, creativity, healing

  • Balanced characteristics: Resonant voice, good listener, good sense of timing and rhythm, clear communication, lives creatively

  • Healing Practices: Non-goal-oriented creativity, letter writing, singing

  • Element: Sound

  • Affirmation: “Creativity flows in and through me.”

6. Third Eye Chakra: To see

Translating to Ajna in sanskrit.The third eye chakra is located in between your eyebrows. It allows us to tune in and trust our intuition. To help bring this energy center into balance look for natural wellness methods that help that help calm your mind and helps you see clearly.

  • Location: Forehead, brow, carotid plexus, third eye

  • Color: Indigo

  • Physical Attributes: Pituitary, hypothalamus, eyes, nervous system

  • Emotional Attributes: Clairvoyance, intuition, psychic senses

  • Balanced characteristics: Intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, good memory, good dream recall, able to think symbolically, able to visualize

  • Healing Practices: Meditation, create visual art, dreamwork, visual stimulation

  • Element: Light

  • Affirmation: “I see all things in clarity.”

7. Crown Chakra: To know and to learn

Translating to Sahasrara in sanskrit.The crown chakra is located on the top of your head. It allows for our spiritual connection. To help bring this energy center into balance look for natural wellness methods that helps bring awareness and consciousness.

  • Location: Top of the head

  • Color: Violet

  • Physical Attributes: Pineal gland, top of head, nervous system

  • Emotional Attributes: Understanding, consciousness, enlightenment

  • Balanced Characteristics: Able to perceive, analyze, and assimilate information; intelligent; thoughtful; aware; open-minded; able to question; spiritually connected; wise; understanding

  • Healing Practices: Learning and study, spiritual discipline

  • Element: Thought

  • Affirmation: “Information I need comes to me.”

Analog Nature's artfully crafted botanical products are designed to nurture holistic well-being. By harnessing the power of natural remedies tailored to specific energy centers, these products foster energetic growth and promote harmony between mind, body, and soul. This intentional approach not only enhances personal balance but also aligns individuals with the rhythms of nature, creating a profound connection to the world around us⁠.



My favorite book on the chakra system is Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith, which helped inform a lot of the above insights. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for a deeper dive on the chakra system.

Brooke Stewart is a yoga teacher, as well as the founder of Analog Nature. Her passion lies in exploring and sharing natural holistic methods that promote overall well-being. Learn more about her and her offerings on her website.


Interview with Jennifer Bonadio